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Generous donation of craft supplies to radio lollipop queensland
14 August 2010  

A recent story on 612 ABC radio by Radio Lollipop Australia Director Sandra Ursino has led to an extremely generous donation of craft supplies from Eddie and Linda Vann from Maleny on the Sunshine Coast.

Eddie and Linda heard the Radio Lollipop story on 612 ABC radio and decided that a shipping container of craft supplies they had left over after selling their craft supply store a few years ago would be well used by Radio Lollipop.

It was like winning the lottery when I received the call from Eddie and Linda to offer us the supplies says Director Sandra Ursino. The range of craft supplies was huge, we received everything from paint to lace, to pottery, glitter, stencils and everything in between. The items are now being used at Radio Lollipop at the Mater Children’s Hospital in Brisbane, Logan and Gold Coast Hospitals.

The craft supplies have allowed us to increase the variety of craft activities we are able to offer the children.

Radio Lollipop would like to thank Eddie and Linda most sincerely for choosing us to donate their supplies, their generosity has made a significant impact on the lives of sick children in hospital now and into the future.

Check out the photo with Eddie and Linda and the boxed up craft supplies.

Location: Queensland