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Bugs bunny and daffy duck visit radio lollipop gold coast
11 May 2010  

A big thanks to the fantastic team at Warner Bros Movie World on the Gold Coast. The children at the Gold Coast Hospital have smiles on their faces from ear to ear.

Very few kids could make it to the studio on the night however Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck made their way around the ward visiting each and every child at least twice.

Bugs had a few issues with his ears and the curtain rails but by the end of the night he was ducking under the rails with ease. The Radio Lollipop volunteers were also in awe of the cuddly characters and they also received their fare share of cuddles.

You could feel the difference in the children’s ward after the visit, it was definitely a more positive atmosphere in the ward post visit and that can only translate to the kids getting better quicker.

We sincerely thank Brooke Skeen from Movie World on the Gold Coast for facilitating this visit and we would definitely love to have you back again sometime soon.

Location: Southport