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Glasgow is seeing stars!
17 April 2010  

We at Radio Lollipop (Glasgow) know we have an award winning team already, but to prove it even more the team have decided to honour our volunteers and show how much we really appreciate the work they put into making Radio Lollipop what it is.

Raymond Watson was awarded the longest serving volunteer of the RL Glasgow station and yes has been here for a long time you can see the cobwebs at the back of his ears, Calum Chisholm for outstanding achievement he has showed over the past year with his skydive and just being there to help out in any way he can & David Bell for his fantastic work he has put in over the past few months on creating a promotional DVD for the Radio Lollipop Pr team to use!

Once again big well done to them and remember this isn’t the last award we are giving away you could be next!

Location: Glasgow