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Lollipop volunteer makes first online donation to £1m appeal
19 July 2009  

A volunteer from Radio Lollipop in Newcastle has been the first person to donate online to a £1m fundraising appeal to support 8 charities who will be working with sick children at the new Great North Children’s Hospital.

The appeal has been set up to raise the profile of the work done by the charities and to develop one central channel for donations.

Helen Hudspith, who made the donation said

“I am happy to help kick off the appeal. As a volunteer at Radio Lollipop Newcastle I see how much every penny means to the children at the hospital on a daily basis. People might not realise that even pennies can make a difference. Hopefully lots of other people will join me in donating to the appeal, safe in the knowledge that all of the money raised will benefit children in our region”.

For more information on the appeal and how you can donate visit


Location: Newcastle-upon-Tyne