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Longbenton school fayre another success for newcastle
14 July 2009  

Radio Lollipop Newcastle recently took part in the 2nd annual Longbenton Community College summer fayre. The event raised over £1000 for charity including over £315 for Radio Lollipop Newcastle.

8HHU, whose form tutor Miss Hudspith is on the Radio Lollipop Newcastle management team, sold Lollipops and temporary tattoos and played music for the entire event.

One of the students said

“the fayre wasn’t even due to start until 1pm but we were ready and set up by 10 because we had to put all of the electrical equipment together. As soon as we set up the lollipop stall people wanted to buy the Lollipops. We had to send someone away to get some more because we sold 150 in the first hour”.

Sheila Brown, chairperson at Newcastle said

“we are pleased to support the fayre for a second year running. It is one of our major fundraisers throughout the year and we rely on the money we raise to buy toys and games for the children. We also support the school by running workshops for the students and inviting them in to visit the studio. We hope that the relationship with the school will be a long-lasting one”.

Location: Newcastle-upon-Tyne