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Golden gurus get launched at mater station
12 June 2009  

On 26 May 2009 a new volunteer program called ‘Golden Gurus’ was launched by the Queensland Government from the Radio Lollipop studio at the Mater Children’s Hospital.

The Golden Gurus concept is the brainchild of Ernie Peralta, 76, who first pitched the concept at the national 2020 Ideas Summit last April. Golden Gurus is a program that connects volunteers aged over 50 with community organisations who would benefit from business expertise and advice.

Ernie charmed us all with stories of how he came up with the idea and how honoured he felt that his idea was embraced by the Queensland Government.

Local media crew had our Radio Lollipop volunteers posing for countless photos and the studio was a buzz with excitement as everyone shared their volunteering stories and experiences.

A big thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers who helped on the day.

If you know a Golden Guru who would be interested in sharing their skills and knowledge in bringing care, comfort and play to sick children in hospital we’d love to hear from you!

Location: Queensland