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Kids cancer radio week a great success
8 July 2006  

The Radio Lollipop team in Newcastle are starting to wind down after a week of live broadcasts aimed specifically at their children’s cancer ward.

The shows will took place daily from the 3rd – 7th July from 1pm-6pm and led up to the hospital’s summer fete on July 8th.

“At the moment, our position is that we only have radio available on one ward – our children’s cancer ward” said Lollipop Newcastle volunteer Helen Hudspith.

“However, we have had a really successful week and have harnessed this to our advantage by doing a week of shows focussed on our children’s cancer patients and their families. We offered a studio open day every day where members of the public could walk in and look around. We got a great response especially from families with children. Several people came more than once to see what was going on in the studio and to ask for songs. We’d like to say a big THANK YOU to Claire Short, the play specialist on our children’s cancer ward for bringing the kids down to the studio and for getting involved in making the week a success”.

Volunteer DJ Chris Felton said

“the open door policy was very successful because people who didn’t know anything about Lollipop poked their heads in the door and were hooked. Adults and kids alike seemed to enjoy their visits. People loved asking for requests for kids they had never even met… I think they felt like they were really a part of improving the atmosphere for children who may have a dull and boring or even frightening and upsetting day otherwise.”

Thanks to all of the families who came to see the studio and for the members of staff who worked closely with the Lollipop team to make the week a special one.

Biggest thanks go to Shay, Sydney, Abbie, Courtney, Jabez, Terry, David, Jessica and Michael – our ward 16 kids and teens who listened and requested their favourite songs…we wouldn’t be there without you!

Location: Newcastle-upon-Tyne