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Bt ignite helps expand
2 November 2003  

A top-of-the-range Compaq server has been donated by BT’s internet division enabling further development of the Radio Lollipop website. More interactive games, audio broadcasting and an administation area are being added.

After initial testing involving Spydersweb Internet Solutions and Radio Lollipop’s own National Support Team the new server went live in the middle of 2002.

…. and is a major success, with an average daily “hit rate” in excess of 1,000 visitors and over 400 requests from potential volunteers in the last ten months. The website has visits from around the globe inlcuding Guatamala and Lithuania and has had dozens of requests for new Radio Lollipop stations.

The future will see the website increase the number and type of kids activities, provide an online donation service and further develop the administration side to ease the burden on all stations. Further information on the website is available from George Williamson (, National Support Team.

Location: Glasgow