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Natasha guesses right.
24 January 2004  

Since being named by Chase who was a patient at the Texas Chaildren’s Hopsital in April, Scott the bear has become a much loved and valued
member of the Radio Lollipop team in Glasgow. While on that trip to Texas with two Glasgow volunteers he caught the travel bug.

When he joined the Glasgow team he informed us about his travel plans for the year with his human friends. He thought that it would be a good idea
to set a competition for the children at Glasgow’s Yorkhill Children’s Hospital. All they had to do was guess how many miles Scott was going to
travel throughout the year and the three people with the closest answer would receive great prizes.

With a guess of 78,564 miles 13 year old Natasha Laird (pictured with Andy Gray – Thursday night presenter in Glasgow) won the first place prize of a Nintendo Gamecube, this along with two holidays to Dunoon were donated as prizes. Greg Griffin,10 and 12 year old John-Paul Love won the holiday’s with their guess of 64,891 miles and 40,000
miles respectively.

As the year progressed we received many updates from Scott about his travels through e-mails, photographs and phonecalls. By the end of December when the competition closed and his travels for the year were over and done Scott had travelled just under 80,000 miles.

Throughout the year Scott travelled to exotic locations all over the world including New Zealand, India and America where he made many
friends. However the ones he made in his hometown of Glasgow, including last year’s Fame Academy winner David Sneddon are among his favourites.

There will soon be a website with all of Scott’s fantastic pictures and stories from his world adventures. If you can’t wait till you can request a visit from Scott or if you would just like to contact him you can do so at his email address:

Location: Glasgow