Hogs christmas visit to radio lollipop – saturday 11th december 1pm

On Saturday 11th December at 1pm the South West Harley Davison Owner’s Group (HOGS) will roar up on their motorbikes for the last time to the Bristol Children’s Hospital. Over the last three years they have fundraised at events and auctions (including a final event on the 9th December) for the charity and raised about £12,000. Their ride out and park up at the hospital has been an annual Christmas event whereby they come and donate the gifts they have raised funds for, which, over the years has included TVs, DVDs, computer games and consoles, play equipment, arts and crafts. This year their generous donation includes personal music players for all the residents on the adolescent ward, Wii games for the playroom, as well as teddy bears for all the patients and siblings in over the Christmas period. Radio Lollipop Bristol are hugely grateful for their support, which has really helped them to put smiles on the faces of many children and their families in hospital and will continue to so so in the future.

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