Radio lollipop supports st elizabeth’s school fete

This year Radio Lollipop volunteers supported the St Elizabeth’s School Fete. The fete was in need of face painters and former Radio Lollipop Volunteer and long time supporter of Radio Lollipop Narelle Morris asked if Radio Lollipop could help out.

The volunteers came to the call and were kept extremely busy, sometimes with queue’s of children waiting patiently to have their faces painted. The children absolutely loved the face painting and you could see lots our handy work around the fete in the form of puppy dogs, pussy cats, spiders and butterfly’s.

One young girl came to the stand, she didn’t want her face painted but she came up to say hello. She had recently been in hospital for 4 weeks at the Mater Children’s Hospital and she absolutely loved Radio Lollipop. She said she loved making the craft and particularly liked visiting the studio and helping compare the show.

A huge thank you to all the volunteers and their friends who helped out on the day.

Check out Radio Lollipop volunteer Lauren Taddeo creating a master piece for one of the young children.

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