Radio lollipop is egg-celent!

Traffic was brought to a halt, easter eggs were collected, money was raised and leather-clad bikers dressed up in tutus!

What was the event? The Motorcycle Action Group Scotland’s Annual Easter Egg Run.

Growing in size every year, this year saw over 4000 bikers descend on Yorkhill Hospital to deliver easter eggs for the children, and money raised throughout the year.

This year, Radio Lollipop was asked to provide a (small!) roadshow to entertain the costume-wearing bikers by playing some music, providing updates on money raised, and – as is required at ANY Radio Lollipop roadshow – to get the audience to dance to the YMCA and the slosh! If you’ve never seen a tutu-wearing biker doing the YMCA and the Time Warp – it’s not something we recommend!

As always, the day was a roaring success, with every child getting at least one easter egg, and £15,000 was raised!

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