Lollipop newcastle and “gabe’s my heart” team up to help cancer kids

Lu Sipos is the mother of Gabriel Sipos, a three year old rhabdomyosarcoma cancer fighter. She has pioneered an amazing project to provide educational soft toys to kids with cancer.

These “chemo ducks” have their own bandanna,
central line and bandages so that nurses in the cancer wards can explain procedures to the children in a friendly, non-frightening way.

Lu has kindly sent two chemo ducks to Radio Lollipop in Newcastle to be used by children in the cancer ward at the Royal Victoria Infirmary. One of the ducks is to be kept on the ward and the other will be kept at the Radio Lollipop studio and used on the ward rounds.

To find out about Gabe and offer him some support or to learn more about the chemo duck project, please visit

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