Roadshow summer season in newcastle

After partying like mad things in various stores across the North East, we are now happy to add the Killingworth Matalan store to our growing list of businesses who want their customers to have SERIOUS FUN whilst out shopping.

Saturday 26th April 2003 sees us dust-off the decks for the stores 2nd Birthday, and just like ‘Pink’ we’ll get the party started slap bang in the entrance way to the store.

We’ll be in store from 10 – 4, giving you 6 hours of prizes, fun and football. Its the Newcastle / Sunderland derby match so no doubt we’ll be belting a few footy anthems out along the way.

If you have youngsters and you’re looking for a way to end the Easter holidays with difference, make sure they bring along their TEDDY BEARS as we’ll be having a huge picnic, just by our stage on the day.

We’ve got table football as well, to keep the older ones amused whilst the party is in full swing.

Keep your eyes peeled on the day also for the Radio Lollipop Taxi which will be making guest appearances on the day during the show times.

Make sure you bring plenty of loose change with you on the day though, we have lots of empty collecting buckets and we need them FULL by 4pm. Every penny we raise on the day will be going to our mission of providing care, comfort, play and entertainment to children in hospital.

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