Lollipop double with scooby-doo

Saturday July 20th sees Radio Lollipop at Newcastle in a double celebration!

Its the first day of the 6 week school summer holiday for starters, and the new Scooby Doo movie is out as well!

Never ones to let a party opportunity pass by, we’ve decided to put the big fuse into the roadshow gear and pump out some summer beats at the Warner Bros Studio Store.

We can be found (and heard!) next to Woolworths in the Gateshead Metrocentre. And to top it all, were going for a marathon session. Were going to be ‘going live’ from 9 am when the shop opens, right through to 7pm when they close! And just when you thought it couldnt possibly get any better – We’ve tracked down a very busy Scooby Doo and asked him to pop in for a while during the day as well.

So as the school holidays start and you’re already bored, arm yourself with some Scooby snacks, and head for the Warner Bros Studio Store, 9am – 7pm on Saturday 20th July.

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