Radio Lollipop Newcastle brings festive cheer to Great North Children’s Hospital


Well 2020 has brought its challenges and none more so than for Radio Lollipop stations around the world.  Wherever and whenever possible, stations have found ways of keeping our patients, friends, families and nursing staff entertained even in the most difficult of circumstances.


Radio Lollipop Newcastle were given permission by the Great North Children’s Hospital to go into our studio to prepare our specially requested Goodie Bags to bring some Christmas cheer to the wards.  Our Lolli-Elves James, Jessica, Amy, Lauren, Claire and Lydia (all Socially Distant, of course) had a very busy time filling bags with lots of different items for patients of all ages and abilities including our new sensory bags.


James “flew the Sleigh” full of bags for a period of storage before Santa arrives to make sure everyone safely receives some              Lolli-Cheer this Christmas.



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