Paying It Forward – A Little Kindness goes a long way

A Little Kindness Goes A Long Way

Radio Lollipop New Zealand is celebrating Volunteer Appreciation Week, sharing our stories, recognizing incredible volunteers, whose collective energies make a powerful impact, where every moment matters.
Sam recalls the moments, Radio Lollipop made her feel special and why she volunteers today.
When I was five my little brother was born. His name is Nick, and he is fabulous. Nick has Down Syndrome and he was born with many other medical conditions too. The first six months of Nick’s life were spent in Starship Hospital. That period of time was complicated and tricky for our family. Every day after school my Dad and I would go into Starship to visit Nick and my Mum. That year we even spent Christmas day at Starship too.
I remember people making comments on how sad and difficult it must have been for me as a young child, to spend so much time in a hospital. However, I only have happy memories of Starship and it was all thanks to the Radio Lollipop volunteers.
Every day after school I would wait in Nick’s hospital room for the Radio Lollipop volunteers to come through. Nick may have been too small and fragile to play, but I sure wasn’t. The volunteers would help me with my reading homework, play with me and just talk to me about my day. They would help me decorate Nick’s room, filling that space with joy and laughter. On Christmas day I remember having running races with them in the hallways of ward 26B.
Radio Lollipop volunteers made me feel special and brought so much fun into my life. As an adult, I knew I wanted to do the same for others. I’ve been a Radio Lollipop volunteer for ten wonderful weeks now. It’s everything I thought it would be, and more.
We don’t always know the impact an act of kindness can have. There has never been a time, more important than now to create a little extra kindness. We do know that all our volunteers connect hearts with children in hospital, create moments that matter and sometimes, these moments last a lifetime.
If Sam’s story has inspired you to get involved or show your appreciation for the amazing work our incredible volunteers do, please Contact Us via the “Contact” link above”

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