Happy 31st anniversary radio lollipop birmingham

The Radio Lollipop Birmingham volunteer team celebrates it’s 31st anniversary (and the 33rd anniverary of the charity) on 5th May, with a stall within Birmingham Children’s Hospital. We had a ‘Name The Dog’ competition (name revealed as ‘Lolly’ of course!), face-painting and a tombola. Volunteers had lots of fun, with ‘Lollipop music and jingles playing, flag-making and more! The team plans to do the same again later this month -look out for us in the Outpatients area of the hospital!

Radio lollipop bristol celebrates 33 years of radio lollipop

Radio Lollipop Bristol joined in with the festivities to celebrate 33 years of Radio Lollipop by holding a Lollipop Day.

The team organised a 6 hour live broadcast with DJs taking 2 hour shifts. We opened the main hospital playroom for the day where there were arts and craft activities, party games and goody bags.

Hobble the Wandering Bear also made a guest appearance!

Thanks to all the volunteers who came to help out. It was a fab day!

In the photo is Kate Harris, Chairperson of Radio Lollipop Bristol, with Hobble the Wandering Bear and some of the Bristol Radio Lollipop Team.