Tickets Now Available for the Radio Lollipop 80’s Ball

Tickets and supporter packages are now available for the Radio Lollipop 80’s Ball which takes place in Edinburgh on Friday 4th October.

The event is being held at the Kimpton Charlotte Square Hotel and forms part of the 30th Birthday celebrations for Radio Lollipop Edinburgh.

For more information and to book your tickets please contact 


Radio Lollipop Ball Raises £16,000!

The Radio Lollipop Ball has raised an amazing £16,000 for the charity in Edinburgh.

The fundraising event took place on Friday 5th October at the Principal Edinburgh Charlotte Square Hotel and was a sell out with over 200 guests attending.

Many individuals and businesses gave generously on the night with a prize draw, silent auction and main auction all taking place.

Thank you to all who supported, attended, organised and volunteered at the event!