Local supporters help Radio Lollipop Gold Coast this Christmas

This Christmas, Radio Lollipop Gold Coast were lucky to have, not one, but two special guests over the festive season. Santa Clause (Live to Give Projects) and the “Present Fairies” (Ashy Bines) joined our Gold Coast team to spread their love and joy in the form of laughter, bubbles, and generously donated presents.

For one family the Christmas cheer was an extremely welcome sight, as their son, Ethan, was set to celebrate his birthday (Christmas Day) in hospital.

“Radio Lollipop do an amazing job to put smiles on all the kids faces and Ethan was one of them so thanks again”, said Rebecca, Ethan’s mum.

While the Christmas season is over, it is still very important to remember the power of giving, and how much of a difference the support of our community can make. Our deepest thanks to Live to Give Projects and Ashy Bines for donating such wonderful gifts and their time to create one of our favourite events of the year.


Lollipop Bristol’s Big Christmas Giveaway

On a mission to spread some festive cheer, Lollipop volunteers at the Royal Bristol Children’s Hospital took to the wards to deliver presents as part of this year’s Christmas Giveaway.

On Saturday 21st December, the Lollipop elves delivered Christmas goody bags filled with themed stickers, activities, crayons, and craft activities to children of all ages. Back in the playroom the fun continued with more festive fun and games.

Accompanying the 2 hour event was a special radio show hosted by the Lollipop DJs who played Christmas songs, read Christmas stories and launched competitions with lots of Christmassy prizes.

So from all of us at Radio Lollipop Bristol… Ho Ho Ho and Merrrrrry Christmas!